Our commitments

“We are committed, through a proactive policy, to carrying out our business with respect for the environment and its stakeholders. The ultimate goal of the INTM Group is therefore to achieve responsible growth, capable of meeting the major technical, social and environmental challenges, with a single code of ethics based on trust.”
Georges AWAD
Chairman and CEO



The INTM Group is committed!

The INTM Group is dedicated to ensuring that its activities are carried out in a healthy environment that respects human rights.

The CSR policy and actions implemented by the INTM Group aim to promote sustainable development and satisfy our present needs while allowing future generations to satisfy theirs.


Environmental considerations

The INTM Group ensures that its activities are compatible with the protection of ecosystems (consumption of resources, production of waste, polluting emissions).

This year again, the Group is pursuing its policy of raising awareness in order to minimize the production of greenhouse gases. The INTM Group has provided employees with training, information and documentation on eco-responsibility, the management of furniture and supplies, travel policy, relations with biodiversity, etc.

The Group has also set up a partnership with the adapted company Le Petit Plus for the recycling and monitoring of all its waste. The INTM Group recycles on all its sites: paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, ink cartridges, batteries, computer equipment and coffee capsules, etc.

The INTM Group also allows employees to benefit from the sustainable mobility package to encourage more ecological transport!


Social responsibility

The social policy of the INTM Group is based on trust, ethics and respect. The main challenge is to ensure an equitable partnership with our employees, in order to satisfy them and to bring better productivity and competitiveness to the company.

The Group is a signatory of the Global Compact, Global Compact France.

The INTM Group is a Qualiopi certified training organization and is DataDock referenced, (discover our training catalog). Through its NSIS subsidiary, the INTM Group is developing a “Young People’s Offer”: This program consists of training and supporting young graduates with 4/5 years of higher education in technical and/or scientific fields in their project to reorient their careers towards the IT sector while offering them a permanent contract.

The INTM Group has launched a number of sponsorship initiatives:

  • Partnership with the association Nos Quartiers ont des Talents, ESSEC, Fondation de France, etc.
  • Sponsoring charity sports events;
  • “Children and families in difficulty” and “the fight against Covid19” programs in partnership with the Fondation de France.


Economic considerations – Responsible Purchasing

The INTM Group combines its financial performance with business ethics.

The INTM Group contributes to the economic development of the area in which it operates while helping the development of its stakeholders.

Through all of its activities and services, the INTM Group applies the principles of fair trade in order to allow its clients, as well as its suppliers, to be placed at the center of the commercial relationship.

The INTM Group is committed to rejecting all forms of corruption with regard to its partners, suppliers and clients. This involves developing partnerships based on trust, transparency of information and social responsibility. For example, the Group asks its subcontractors and suppliers to adhere to its code of conduct when contracts binding the two parties are set up.

Each year, the Group trains its employees in business ethics through MOOCs and workshops. Thus, 100% of our managers are trained on various subjects such as the respect of rules and rights on intellectual property or anti-fraud practices.

A control process has also been put in place to prevent corruption and ensure that all production is done in accordance with the regulations in force.

Discover all our actions!


Professional equality index for men and women 2023 = 94 / 100


Our CSR assessments:


Certification  : ISO 9001

Certification : ISO 27001

Ecovadis : 73/100 – Top 15% of digital services companies

Cybervadis : 942/1000

Clearance : Secret UE, Très Secret, OTAN